
Country profile


General information

In terms of landmass, Canada is the second largest country in the world. Currently its 9,984,670 square kilometres are home to around 35.9 million people.

The capital city is Ottawa.

The official languages are English and French. The languages of the indigenous people, know in Canada as the "First Nations" are also spoken.

Economic data

Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP): USD 45,602
Real change in GDP between 2010 and 2015: 11.1 %
Gross national debt as percentage of GDP: 91 %
Percentage of women (aged 15-64) in gainful employment: 69.4 %
Youth unemployment rate (15-24 year-olds): 13.2 %

National currency: Canadian dollar (CAD) / Rate of exchange: EUR 1 = CAD 1.42 (average exchange rate for 2015)

Additional information

Country information from the Federal Foreign Office
Website of the Canadian government