
Country profile


General information

Brazil (the Federative Republic of Brazil) is the world’s fifth largest state in terms of both area and population. It is the largest and the most populous state in South America, accounting for 47 per cent of the total landmass of South America. Brazil’s territory also includes a number of islands in the Atlantic. Continental Brazil straddles two time zones, while some of its islands belong to a third time zone.

Brazil, with a landmass of 8.5 million square kilometres, is home to around 205.3 million people, including some 800,000 members of indigenous peoples.

The capital city is Brasília.

The official language is Brazilian Portuguese.

Economic data

Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, based on purchasing power parity (PPP): USD 15,646
Real change in GDP between 2010 and 2015: 5.0 %
Gross national debt as percentage of GDP: 74 %
Percentage of women (aged 15-64) in gainful employment: 56.8 %
Youth unemployment rate (15-24 year-olds): 16.8 %

National currency: Brazilian real / Rate of exchange: EUR 1 = R$ 3.64; R$ 1 = EUR 0.27 (as at 28 September 2016)

Additional information

Country information from the Federal Foreign Office
Website of the Brazilian government